

I’ll never be the same. The same, meaning THE PAIN

The pain to stay or the pain to change. You cry, you cry but you’ll never be the same.

She died, yesterday. Who? The girl with the pain. The girl that ALWAYS tried, to remain the same.      

She died yesterday. Who? The girl with the pain. The girl that always TRIED, to live out her days.

Poor girl, poor girl, she didn’t realize she was playing a game. All this time, she thought, she was to lay comfortably and say - I love you each day. As you played she would remain, steadfast most days; showering you in May or covering you up in the shade.

She awoke yesterday and realized that pain, was present and able - comfortable to stay. She contemplated, she thought in a way that would say… Pain is pain and if I died today, it would be a marvelous day. So, she awoke yesterday, only to say, good bye and then prey - her life could be over if all she knew was this pain.

I’ll never be the same. The same, meaning THE PAIN

Poor girl, poor girl she didn’t realize she was playing a game. A game worth nothing but played all the same.

You know, that game, that game - that game always played. The game that hosts pain and never goes away. The façade, the dance, the show they all say. The game that you see on everyone’s front page.

She knew, she knew that the game NEVER swayed. It took her whole life and asked her to change. She knew, she knew that the game never SWAYED. He has a good time, and never thinks to re-pay.

At last she knew, that in order to stay, she would need a new life - outside this pain. That game, that game – the game always played, with or without you, it goes on each day. Whether you win, or you lose, it has nothing to say; that game, that game – the game always played. Between lovers and friends, between sisters or men, between cowards and lions, between maids or retires. That game, that game – that game always played.

She died, yesterday. Who? The girl with the pain. The girl that ALWAYS tried, to remain the same.

She died, yesterday. Who? The girl with the pain. The girl that always TRIED, to live out her days.


I’ll never be the same. The same, meaning THE PAIN

The pain to leave is the same to stay. You cry, you cry but you’ll never be the same.

He died, that guy. The guy with the pain. He STOOD for what he thought, would be just the same.         

He died, that guy. The guy with the pain. He stood for what he THOUGHT, could validate his pay.

Poor guy, poor guy, he realized the game. He never asked why, all he did was just play.  Today, today marked a marvelous day, he completely stopped hurting, one day in May. He worked, he played, he hurdled obstacles in his way. He staked his whole life on this Queen named K.

His eyes opened up and he prayed for some luck. For today is the day when his soul opened up. It took some time, his eyes would not mind, the sight he saw - his own demise. Pride and anger was fine, it helped him stay alive - but the weakness he feared, did him in - this time.

I’ll never be the same. The same, meaning THE PAIN

Poor guy, poor guy, he realized the game. He never stopped playing, because of his ways.

How could he? How could he? He’s hip to the game. Without fair play,

there’s no respect brought his way.

You know, that game, that game - that game always played. The game that hosts pain and never goes away. The facade, the dance, the show they all say. The game that you see on everyone’s front page.

He owns and blows all the fortune he knows, but It’s easy to get all the things that he knows. What he sought to acquire is now a desire - but he knows, he knows all the wrong steps he chose. Life is a stove, it can’t feed him no more. So, he knows, he knows today he must go.

At last, at last, his heart opened up and he made his own luck. He believed in himself when he thought he was stuck. He stood on his feet and threw away the defeat, he promised to GOD that he will keep his promise, his promise - to not be weak. Free of the pain and free from disdain. For he is all things, all things without pain.

He died, that guy. The guy with the pain. He STOOD for what he thought, would be just the same.         

He died, that guy. The guy with the pain. He stood for what he THOUGHT, could validate his pay.