
Thyrone J. Lewis (TLou)

I am Thyrone Lewis aka “TLou Do What It Do, your host! IG: @CaliLouTee from New York, Long Island currently residing in Orange County. I am a vendor manager working in the finance industry, and in my free time I enjoy going on stage and making jokes. I’m always looking for like-minded people reaching for the stars with a little gas money. 

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Personal Showcase

Brunch2Bomb - January 2019

Brunch2Bomb - January 2019

LIVE Recording - Washed & Restless

LIVE Recording - Washed & Restless

Urban Society Long Beach Live Recording - January 2019

Urban Society Long Beach Live Recording - January 2019

Who would have thought?

Unbeknownst to most, Thyrone is very active in the literary space. He often takes time away from others, fully committing himself to his words of choice. Thyrone has been writing op-ed pieces, poetry, monologues and personal manuscripts for years. Attempt to extract the humor and bravado from his daily life and get to know the inner workings of your host, Thyrone J. Lewis.


Upcoming Comedy Shows